Museum of Contemporary Art, Stændertorvet 3D, The Royal Palace, Roskilde
Registration and contact:
For more information contact:
Kit Lindved Sværke
tlf. +45 4631 6578
For more information contact:
Helle Bjerggaard Johansen hellebjo@samtidskunst.dk
tlf. +45 4631 6573
Are you curious about contemporary art?
This year Museum of Contemporary Art in Roskilde launches a groundbreaking 2-year project - The Museum goes downtown. The project entails bringing contemporary art - concerts, performances and workshops - to the public space of Roskilde. |
The museum is therefore looking for volunteers for a group of engaged and curious people, who will observe and review these different art experiences. The task demands no special prerequisites apart from curiosity, openness and an interest in experiencing contemporary art in the city.
We invite who may be interested for an information night, Sunday August 21st at 5 pm-7 pm at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Here we will explain more about the project and the group of art reporters. Director of the museum, Sanne Kofod Olsen, will also be present.
You can read more about the museum and the project on our website www.samtidskunst.dk
Main sponsor is the Nordea Foundation and the project is furthermore supported by The Danish Art Council.