Søndermarken, 2000 Frederiksberg
Far-Out Quantum Technology ~ Cosmic Gong Vibration
Weird science, alternative life forms and occultism. Lea Porsager's work includes everything from science, politics and feminism to the esoteric. Sunday morning at Bloom Lea Porsager presents a 90-minute polyphonic gong session in collaboration with Gong master Charlotte Bom. Bring a blanket to Søndermarken and tune in to the vibration of the gong.
Porsager’s performance is created for Bloom Festival in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Practical Infomation
What: Bloom Festival
Where: Søndermarken, Frederiksberg.
When: 26.-27. May 2018.
Free entrance, some activites at Bloom require payments.