REconnect - activating the space between INSP! and the Museum
REconnect is a temporary meeting in public space connecting INSP! and the Museum.
Though different in concept, audience and approach INSP! and the Museum of Contemporary Art is a perfect interactive match!. Situated on one line, it feels as a natural reaction to activate the path between them; the continuation of Køgevej leads to Allehelgensgade and brings you to Stændertorvet, where you see the old yellow palace of the Museum.
REconnect activates this path challenging our perceptions of the city and its institutions, shapes, structures, rules and task divisions turning it into a space of possibility, joy and excitement – a practice based on social engaged art and urban intervention.
The project is developed by director of the exhibition space Al Hoash in East Jerusalem, Alia Rayyan, in collaboration with INSP!. It follows the format of PARK(ing) Day that since 2005 has blossomed into a global experiment remixing, reclaiming and reprogramming defined space for social exchange, recreation and artistic expression. Al Hoash wants to introduce this concept to Roskilde, using the method of urban intervention to activate the street, connecting INSP! with the Museum of Contemporary Art for a couple of hours – but hopefully with a long-term aftereffect.
Join us on 2nd of September from 2-5pm at Allehelgensgade between Borchsgade and Stændertorvet.