Communication Paths
Communication Paths is the first exhibition on the museum’s web-based exhibition platform Net.Specific that will show a range of exhibitions featuring net art.
Net art is a dynamic and transient art form, which uses the Internet as its primary material and often collects data from other net based sources and websites. Among other subject matters, the works deal with online identity, narratives, anonymity and code as concepts and aesthetic expression. Net artists do not shy away from borrowing and recycling all aspects of digital culture, which in turn make up their works’ material.
The exhibition Communication Paths deals with net communication in its broadest definition. The title refers to the branched paths and junctions that make up the Internet, but also to the communication and language used online. Artists use narrative, distribution and the sharing of net based material in which computer code is used as a language in its own right. The work Emily's Video is about rumours created virally, in this case by users’ sharing a mysterious video. Disbelieving Gravity deals with processes of learning and how, by using pseudo scientific tests, gravity is called into doubt. The Little Yellow House makes use of retrieved data as a source of a narrative. Transgression includes user generated content in the museum space – and questions what an online exhibition entails, while a new version of the performative app ZYX challenges prevalent ways of navigating with and using a smart phone. All works have been made specifically for Net.Specific and show both seasoned and new net art groups.
Artists: 0100101110101101.ORG aka Eva & Franco Mattes (I), JODI (B/NL), Michelle Teran (CA), Jens Wunderling & Philipp Bosch (DE) and Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum (DK).