The Museum in the City
The Museum in the city is an international art project including Danish and international artists. It is also a development project with the primary aim of communicating contemporary art’s many new and different modes of expression to a wider audience ‘downtown’. The Museum in the city consists of a series of exhibitions and events which share the common trait that they take place in different parts of Roskilde rather than being restricted to the museum space.
Events in 2014
The Museum of Contemporary Art has arranged a series of events outside the museum like audio walks, different performances during ACTS - Festival for Performative Art - and social interventions in Roskilde city.
The museum goes downtown presents a range of artists who all work with art that transgresses the boundaries of the museum by moving out in public spaces. The works vary from sound installations, concerts, performances and sculptural interventions in Roskilde city to workshops with audiences. The artists are invited to Roskilde and go downtown with the museum to meet the audience in an entirely different setting.
The artists Novi_Sad from Greece and Ryoichi Kurokawa from Japan present us with a mix of sound and visuals in the performance of Sirens.
The concert unrolls as a reverse movement of the economic downturns. Indeed, the more the economy collapses (data, numerical elements, statistics, indexes, etc.), the more each part of the music and visuals keep becoming denser and richer. It is a “vice versa” movement between the collapse of financial data/information and the creative reflection on sound and image. This metaphorical “tug o’ war” aptly illustrates the project’s core dynamic. Then, as a mirage – one to each other, sound and video – a form of unity arises within the movement itself, as unreal it may seem.
Performance live-show: Sirens
Date: 27th of March 2013, 8.00 p.m
Venue: Gimle, 4000 Roskilde
Read more about Novi_sad at www.novi-sad.net
Strange Party Orchestra
Strange Party Orchestra consists of the composers Anders Vestergaard and Kåre Elers. Vestergaard and Elers compose soundscapes based on the notion that sounds speak to the human imagination and that certain sounds are often connected to very specific sound sources. With Placements, Vestergaard and Elers play on the unexpected meeting with sounds that are not usually experienced or expected in a garden. The listener is presented with sound impressions and aural stories based on a variety of sounds that the artists have recorded on their travels around the world. The result is an index of over a thousand sound recordings and each one is precisely one minute long. There are sounds of metal, water, glass, machinery and so on. The sound images in Placements are put together from this index and therefore comprise a range of sound snippets from around the world. The sounds are worked with in a compositional way, where they are repeated, displaced, placed layer upon layer and create both harmonious/inharmonious and rhythmic/unrhythmic structures.
Strange Party Orchestra’s artistic production spans over 27 years within sound and music. They have performed more than 500 concerts, released 8 albums and have composed music and soundscapes for theatre productions, film, new circus, radio/TV and sound art exhibitions around Europe.
Exhibtion: Placements
Exhibition period: 22. marts - 8. september 2013
Venue: Palæhaven
Placements is funded by Nordea-fonden and Roskilde Kommunes Kulturpulje.
Read more about Strange Party Orchestra at: www.strangeparty.net
Henrik Plenge Jakobsen
Henrik Plenge Jakobsen belongs to the 1990’s generation group of artists who moved the art out of museums and galleries - out among people, and into public spaces. He is part of the group of international artists who were enrolled in the ”relational aesthetics” theory, which deals with the potential of art to create social relations. Plenge Jakobsen works with sculpture, installation and performance art, alone and in collaboration with others, and he has a long line of exhibitions behind him in museums and other exhibition venues in Denmark and abroad.
The exhibition Kapital takes place both indoors and outdoors. The ground floor of the museum forms the base of the exhibition, which then moves into Roskilde city with posters, engaging performances, sculptural interventions and so on. Important societal institutions, such as the school, police station and church, form the basis of this exhibition. A guide including a city map tells of the whereabouts of the works while QR codes placed next to the works explain their meaning.
Exhibition: Kapital
Exhibition period: 20 Sept – 16 Dec 2013
Venue: The Museum of Contemporary Art and various public spaces
Read more about Henrik Plenge Jakobsen at: www.henrikplengejakobsen.net
Molly Haslund
Molly Haslund is a performance artist who often works where performance, sculpture and installation converge and she makes references to the pictorial arts, stand up comedy, variety theatre, literature and music. Haslund’s works span personal rituals, musical performances, workshops and audience participation. The work Coordination models consists of playground equipment, which the audience interact with. Skipping ropes, swings and others are integrated into systems in which coordination and interplay between participants prove crucial.
In collaboration with workshop participants in Roskilde, Haslund will develop entirely new coordination models during a workshop for the entire family. ROCK AROUND THE WORLD will be her first collective exhibition of old and new coordination models that will be installed in the Roskilde city.
Exhibition & workshop: ROCK AROUND THE WORLD
Date: 20 Sep 2013
Venue: Various public spaces in Roskilde city center
Read more about Molly Haslund at: www.mollyhaslund.com
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen is one of Denmark’s leading performance artists. With a background as a video artist, visual presentation plays an important part in her performances that centre on costumes and songs with different thematic content such as gender, ethnicity or religion. Since 2005, Cuenca Rasmussen has performed for an ever-growing audience around the world.
The museum will produce a live show with Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen in collaboration with the venue Gimle – a show conceived as a retrospective exhibition of selected performances. The ensemble Lydenskab and a number of dancers will perform alongside Cuenca Rasmussen in a live show, which is the first of its kind to highlight a Danish performance artist.
Performance live show: ANGER IST POWER by Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen with the ensemble Lydenskab
Performance period: 22 - 23 Oct 2013
Venue: Gimle
Read more about Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen at: www.lilibethcuenca.com
Karoline H. Larsen
Karoline H. Larsen works, under the name Creative Actions, with art in urban spaces around the world. She involves the city’s inhabitants in shared creative actions, which temporarily change the appearance of the urban spaces, but also changes the participants’ relations to each other and the city. Since 2005, Creative Actions has been executed in Copenhagen, Cape Town, New Delhi, Barcelona, New York and Resende, Brazil.
During autumn 2013, Karoline H. Larsen will hold 6 workshops with children, young people and adults in collaboration with INSP in Roskilde. Participants will jointly create an art project, which will take on the form of a Halloween procession through Roskilde city on Kulturstrøget day, 1 Nov 2013.
Workshop: Halloween Procession
Date: 1 Nov 2013
Venue: Kulturstrøget (Culture shopping street)
Read more about Karoline H. Larsen at: www.creativeactions.com
Mette Kit Jensen
Mette Kit Jensen works with and in city spaces and lately she has undertaken a more historical approach to the artist’s relation to this particular space. Kit Jensen is interested in the concept of ‘the flâneur’ as artistic method: A flâneur is a drifter, a person who enjoys strolling the streets. The concept arose in the 1800’s where the flâneur was decidedly male, but Mette Kit Jensen has set upon defining the female flâneur (a flâneuse) and project her into the present.
The Flaneuse project will arrive in Roskilde in the spring of 2014. Flaneuse is a sound work or sound walk conceived through research Kit Jensen has carried out in several larger cities, such as Rome, Athens, Paris and Istanbul. The sound walk is made especially for Roskilde city, which it also highlights by using sounds, impressions and narratives from larger cities.
Sound walk: Flâneuse de l'Europe
Period: 21 March – 11 May 2014
Venue: Roskilde city
Workshop for children and young people:'See your city through the eyes of a stranger’
Read more about Mette Kit jensen at: www.mettekitjensen.dk
ACTS - Festival for Performative Art
ACTS is the Museum of Contemporary Art’s international festival and the spearhead in its work with performative art. ACTS takes place in different venues around Roskilde and in the museum, and it changes size and character from year to year. In May 2014, ACTS will be held for the third time and forms a collaboration with the Department for Performance Design at Roskilde University. Ph.D. Sanne Krogh Groth and MA Judith Schwarzbart will curate the festival alongside museum director and curator Sanne Kofod Olsen.
ACTS 2014 will take place around Kulturstrøget in Roskilde which runs parallel to the main shopping street – from the cathedral, which houses the Museum of Contemporary Art and past Roskilde Museum to the monastery and Roskilde Library. In their different capacities, Sanne Krogh Groth will focus on sound art, Judith Schwarzbart on social art in public spaces, while Sanne Kofod Olsen will focus on performance art.
Around 12 international artists will participate. A list of participants will be made public in March 2014.
Festival: Acts - Festival for Performative Art
Festival period: 10.-11. maj 2014
Venue: Roskilde city
Read more about ACTS here
Jacob Kirkegaard
Jacob Kirkegaard is a sound artist focusing on scientific and aesthetic aspects of resonance, time and sound. His installations and compositions deal with space and phenomena that are usually inaccessible. He captures previously unknown sounds from a geyser, a sand bank, a nuclear power station, an empty room and a television tower or from the innermost regions of the human ear. Since 1995, his works have been presented in a great number of exhibitions and festivals all over the world.
Kirkegaard will present a sound exhibition comprising new and existing works in the museum space. He considers the museum archives by creating archives of his own compositions. Parallel to the exhibition, the museum will present a concert with Kirkegaard along with sound installations in public spaces. In addition, there will be a sound workshop for children and young people.
Exhibition: Sound art (working title)
Exhibition period: 2015
Venue: The Museum of Contemporary Art
Read more about Jacob Kirkegaard at: www.fonik.dk
The Spanish artist group LuzInterruptus work in their art with social involvement. Through spectacular installations of light they illuminate specific locations and at the same time shed light on both local and global social issues. The group often work participatory and invite the audience to contribute to the works in one way or the other.
Read more about the artist group on ther webpage